3 Days Zoo Mystery Part 5 Walkthrough

Magnate's room: 3 Days Zoo Mystery Part 4.
Click the paper bin right side and pick up all the papers. Reassemble the picture after You can turn the pieces by right click. A piece at the correct place will get dark and can't be moved anymore. Move the chair a little to the side and get the golden head. Place it on the sphinx on the desk and click the grandfather clock. Find the parts of the clock and after this the billiard balls. Now click the colored shred behind the chair. Reassemble the stained window. Now search for the symbols, you can see on the window. After you found them, get the photo out of the desk drawer. Find the deer and place them at the wall. The glasses belong to the champagne bottle left low corner. The other door of the desk opens. Get out the note

Zoo Lodge:
Find the animals. Follow the traces in the labyrinth and bring the animals into their boxes. Find the items, the animals stole. Replace the items. Click the box behind the guard and connect the wires

Zoo Administration:
Find the wanted items. Now click the fish tank and collect the letters. Find all dogs and place them into the picture frame left side. After finding all gears, click them at the safe, you found behind the dog picture. Place the gears, so that all move. The safe opens, grab the book
Former director's house. Get the stuff, the former director needs. Give all to him and collect the rest. In the upper part you see three pans with the symbol of food, on the top you have the food. In the middle there are little balls. Your goal is it, to drop the food at the right place so that it can fall down into the pan. That is showing it’s symbol. The food has to find it’s way between the little balls, so you have to find out, where is. The best spot to start. If you fail, you will get another trial. Now give the former director the green stuff and look for the pictures. Give him the picture. Find the differences

First click on the music box at the fireplace. While the search scene, you will have to use the plazmatron same time at the chair and the table, otherwise, you wont be able to find the feather. Place all items on the music box. Click the music box again and it will show a color sequence you have to replay. Remind the sequence and click the right order of colors at the books left in the shelf. The correct order is: dark blue, light green, pink, light blue, purple, light red, yellow. A compartment on top of the music box appears. Click it and find the keys for it. After finding all, click the compartment and place the keys in the right order. Have a good look, which key turns which other keys with it. The key marked with a red circle in the screenshot will turn just it’self. Get the documents out of the compartment and find the wanted items

Find all wanted items. After it you will have to fix the fish get the parts from the bar. Place it back above the bar. Find the foot and hand prints. In the following mini game you have to find on each card one matching pair. Find the wanted items

Magnate's house, hall:
Click the piano and follow the sequences, The keys will have symbols, so that it is more easy to replay it, Diamond, Star, Moon, Diamond, Star, Moon, Spades, Clubs, Diamond, Star, Moon, Spades, Clubs, Heart, Triangle, Diamond, Star, Moon, Spades, Clubs, Heart, Triangle, Spades, Heart, Diamond, Star, Moon, Spades, Clubs, Heart, Triangle, Spades, Heart, Star, Moon. Find the needed items 3 Days Zoo Mystery Part 6 Walkthrough.