3 Days Zoo Mystery Walkthrough

3 Days Zoo Mystery PC Game Walkthrough. There is no time limit. The book shows you your next goals for in case that you forgot. Use the question mark for a hint. It will renew fast, but it costs you 100 points. Later in the game you can also use the plazmatron, which will let disappear objects from the scene for a moment, so that you can only see, what you you are looking for. When you mouse cursor changes into a question mark, something has to be done, like a puzzle. When your mouse cursor changes into a hand, you will have move this object. You should talk to the persons around you. Sometimes they will have important informations for you. For fast wrong clicking you will get a point punishment. You can skip mini games, if you want, but you will have to do a search scene instead For doing a mini game you will receive 1.500. If you skip the mini game you will not receive any points for the solving the search scene. Some of the mini games, you will play twice or three times, but always in different variations.


Fish tank/Microwave: It’s your goal to get the key out of the fish tank/microwave, with out touching the swimming around fishes/beams. Do you touch one of it, the key will fall down again move your mouse with the key left and right to find your way.

Turning discs: Your goal is it to reproduce a picture. The middle disc will not move, so you should start with the next ring. Move the discs by clicking till the picture is complete. Discs, which are in the right position can't be moved anymore.

Food trays: You will see three trays moving from right to left in the middle of the scene. They only show the silhouettes of different kind of foods. In the lower part, food is moving in a bar. Get the right food and place it on the according shilohuette on the tray. Each tray has to be complete, before it reaches the end of the treadmill.

Staples of bowls/records: You do get two staples with bowls/records in two different colors in different sizes. Your goal is it, to staple the bowls/records from big to small from bottom to top. Use the empty compartment, for moving the plates around. You can click move more than one bowl/record the same time, just click the lowest one of the staple you want to move.

Slider puzzle: Bring the tiles in the right order by clicking a tile to move it to an empty spot next, over or under it.

Swap puzzle: Bring the tiles in the right order. By clicking two tiles the will swap places.

Parts puzzle: Place the parts at the right place to build or fix something. All parts can be turned with right click.

Scale puzzle: Your goal is it, to bring the scale in balance, while putting all objects on the two scale pans. When you weight each object, you can see it’s single weight that might help you to solve the puzzle quickly. But of course, you can also do it with "try and error".

Repair the coffee machine: After finding all parts of the coffee machine place them at the right spot. To do so, click one of the parts from the left side bar and click it at the right spot left side. Parts which do not belong at this spot, will not be placed at all.

Sort objects: All objects have to be brought in the right order, according to their color and the symbol. Columns have to show the same color, rows have to show the same theme of symbols. You will get a few objects already in there to have a start. Objects which are at the right place can't be moved anymore.

Word puzzle: Find the words which are connected to the police. The words are only hidden horizontal from left to right.

Copy face/dna/clown: On the right side of the screen you will see how the object you have to copy looks like, left side you will have to copy. To change the image on the left side, use the arrows left and right. When you think, you have all five changing parts right, click the compare button.

Replace objects: Your goal is it, to place all objects at their right spot. When clicking an object, you will see a small image, showing a part of the location. Find it and click the object there. Continue to 3 Days Zoo Mystery Walkthrough 2.