7th Guest Walkthrough Part 2.
Knights in the Bathroom:
OBJECTIVE: Swap the Black and White Knights. Solution: I've solved this through brute force. It took enough moves that I don't plan to document it here. OBJECTIVE: Flip over all the cards. Only cards adjacnet too or in line on a row/column over already flipped cards can be flipped. Through the Microscope: OBJECTIVE: You are Blue, have more blue pieces left at the end of the game. To create a new Blue move one square in any direction. You can more up to two squares in ANY direction including diagonals, you may jump other cells. This is the PIT's: OBJECTIVE: Make your way along the colored bricks to reach the FINISH block. There is a methodology you need to follow to complete this.
HINTS: You do not need to step om all the colored bricks to win. Every third brick you step on needs to be purple. When stepping on the FINISH brick it must be the third in that sequence. SOLUTION: The Book in the library says that each color represents a number, and that the next move depends upon what color/number you are starting from. Flip Picture: OBJECTIVE: Using the control buttons around the edges retore the picture back to it's correct state. Each time the puzzle is restated it is scrambled different. SOLUTION: When the picture is displayed correctly before being scrambled the squares of it are numbered 1 to 9 as show below. Memorize the section and it's number as shown below.
BUTTONS: Clicking on B1 increments the picture shown in squares 1,4 and 7 to the next picture in sequence. If picture 9 was shown then picture 1 is displayed in that square. Clicking on B2 increments squares 2,5 and 8. Clicking on B3 increments squares 3,6 and 9. Clicking on buttons B7,B8 or B9 decrement their column. Clicking on buttons B10,B11 or B12 increment the picture on their row. Clicking on buttons B4,B5 or B6 decrement their row. Note: I had the best luck resetting the puzzle until I got one that had the same pattern in columns 1 and 2. I was then able to increment column 3 to the same pattern. I was then able to increment row 1 and 2 until all 9 squares had the SAME picture. I then set column 2 to the picture before column 3. I then set column 1 to be the picture before column 2. I then decremented the rows 1 and 2 until I had the complete picture. Spelling Blocks: OBJECTIVE: Rearrange the blocks to spell the correct three words. CONTROL: Clicking on the TOP of a column slides the lower two blocks up, the top one goes to the bottom. The opposite is true by clicking on the BOTTOM of a column. Clicking on the RIGHT edge of a row slides the row to the right. The rightmost block goes to the left edge. Again the opposite is true for the LEFT edge. The blocks always initialize to the same configuration:
EDITOR'S NOTE: This solution was included at the end of the file. It has been put in this section of the document because it is part of this puzzle. Here's solution for 'Spelling Blocks' puzzle: Now you should have something like this: GET BOY TAD. P.S. I solved this with pure force...took about 5 seconds to find this solution using very simple C program on 486/33.... Piano Bar: OBJECTIVE: Follow the song through 18 notes repeating in a 'Follow the leader' type of game. SOLUTION: I taped a piece of paper to my screen and marked all the keys on it. Then I numbered the keys 1,2,3...18 as they were played. I believe this is the Sequence Only part of the Keyboard is shown. I've entered this in two different formats, use the one you find easiest to follow. The musical solution is: Follow the Leader through the 18 note melody by playing the following keys. The Piano pictured is an accurate repro of a real piano. Play in sequence: Low B, up an octave to B, F#, G, E, D#, E, F#, E, Low B, up an octave to B, C, B, A, G, F#, E, F#. For those who have a little trouble, it may help to remind that 'B' is located to the right of any three key black sequence. Stauf's Face:
OBJECTIVE: Restore Stauf's face to normal. NOTES: This is simular to the crypt puzzle except that each section of the puzzle can be in THREE states. The sequence like this: > NORMAL > Red > Green (Or is it Green > Red?) Star Knifes. OBJECTIVE: Remove knives by jumping over them with another knife. To win you must have only one knife left on the board. SOLUTION: I've numbered the nodes like this: SkyScraper. OBJECTIVE: Find the proper path throught the windows to clear each section. SOLUTION: You start on the BOTTOM section, click on window #1 and follow then in order. Some of them will automatically turn on when another is clicked. Click the next on that needs to be lite when some are automatically turned on. End of 7th Guest Walkthrough.