5 Days a Stranger PC Game Walkthrough. 5 Days a Stranger is the first game in the Chzo Mythos, also known as the DeFoe Quadrilogy. The series includes Trilby's Notes, 7 Days a Stranger, and 6 Days a Sacrifice. Chronologicaly, this game comes first, followed by Trilby's Notes, 6 Days a Sacrifice, and finally, 7 Days a Skeptic. I recommend that you play this game first, followed by 7 Days a Skeptic, Trilby's Notes, and finally 6 Days a Sacrifice. This is a spoiler free walkthrough, and such, I will only include what to do. You have my personal guarantee that there will be NO plot spoilers in this guide. If you want to know the plot for this game, view my Plot Analysis that can be found on ANY of the aforementioned games pages.
There are a few things you should know. 5 Days a Stranger (Hearby refered to as 5DAS), is a classic point and click adventure game. The keyboard is hardly used any; the only time you'll need it is for saving, taking screenshots, etc. You'll notice that during noncutscene portions, there will be a bar across the bottom of the screen. This bar contains four buttons. The first is two footsteps. That's the walk command, fairly self explanatory. The second is an eyeball. Click on this, then an object to investigate it more closely. The third icon is a hand. Use this on an object to to activate it. Examples include using it to open a door. The fourth is a thought bubble with an exclamation point in it. Use this on a person to speak with them. Also, whenever you move your cursor over an object, it's name will be displayed on the status bar. This walkthrough is presented in a bullet format. That means I will use a list to present what to do. Most of the walkthrough will be typed as such. I've also divided it into days, so it'll be much more easy to find what you need. With all that said, let the game begin. Walkthrough Day One After the cutscene, try to use the window.
Now, use the door. After the cutscene, head downstairs. Go through the eastern door. Go through the other door here. Go through the other door. After the cutscene, head back to the foyer. In the foyer, go upstairs. Talk to the woman trying to force her way into a door. After the conversation, head back downstairs into the foyer. This time, take the western exit. Take the other door out of here. Take the blue door to the outside. Out here, use the tree. Now talk to the tree. After the cutscene, head back to the lounge. In case you've forgotten, go through the kitchen to the dining room, through the dining room into the foyer, and through the foyer to the eastern exit. Now, thoroughly interrogate the guests. You have to ask everyone three questions in order to proceed with the game. After talking with Phil, he'll give you an article. This is important, so don't forget about it. After you've completely interrogated everyone, you'll proceed to day 2.
Day Two After the cutscene, use the western door in here. Now, head through the western door here. Talk with Jim on all subjects. Now, head to the backyard. Here, walk all the way to the right, just past the pipeline. Talk with Phil. To advance the story, ask "Was it you who dug up the yard?". followed by What are you doing with that metal detector?", followed by "How do you know the tomb's there?" followed by "Can I borrow your metal detector?" Now, head back to the foyer and go upstairs. Look for the door with the broken lock. It's the one closest to the stairs. In the library, go ahead and talk with Simone about all subjects. Now, on the left bookcase, look on the second shelf from the top for two yellow books next to each other. Use these to get map of the Defoe Manor. Go ahead and take a peak. When satisified, go ahead and go back to the backyard and talk to Phil. Use the plan on Phil. He'll give up the metal detector. Head back to the pool. Use the metal detector on the pipeline. On the pile of dirt you're led to, use it to reveal a panel. Use the panel. Walk back over to the panel. Use the ladder. Day Three To start off, remember the article Phil gave you? Go ahead and give it a read. You have to in order to advance the plot. Now, head through the western door. Pick up the newspaper by the front door. Go ahead and read it as well.
Make your way through the house to the back yard. If you want, talk to Phil in the dining room; he doesn't have much to say. Surprise! Go ahead and use your car to obtain the lockpicks. Let's put them to use, open up the door to the shed here using the lockpicks. Go ahead and take the saw off the wall. Head back out. Go back into the house and head upstairs to the library. In here, talk to Jim. To advance, ask him "What are you doing?" followed by "Do you want to tag along with me?" While in here, locate the Defoe Family History book. Now, make your way ALL the way back to the backyard. Most specifically, stand by the tree. With Jim standing near you, use the saw on the tree. Now go back upstairs. Go to the door to the right, last on the north row. Use your lockpicks to open this door. Inside, use the wardrobe and take the book inside. Read it. Now, head over to the window. Use it once to open it, then again to enter. Out here, use your Grolly (Umbrella) and use it on the crack on the roof. Use the window. In here, use the nightstand to get another diary. Read this one to. 5 Days a Stranger Walkthrough Part 2
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